I loved it. Here is a poem about monsters
Step-by-step explanation:
By: Asia Picardi
What makes a monster?
Is a monster something we fear?
Is a monster something or someone who is different?
Is a monster the very thing that does something without remorse?
Are monsters just scary. To strike fear into us.
But to an animal would we be monsters.
Because we are different and big maybe even scary.
We kill the without remorse but to survive.
But then why the things we consider a monster, for they are just trying to survive.
This makes me question then are we monsters?
Because we look different from one another, we kill, we eat, we survive.
Is survival the thing that makes us the monster?
Then what is it that makes us monster?
What creates monster?
What is the word, the feeling of monster?
I would never know because I never been called one or felt like one.
Nor do I know the people who had been called, made, found a monster.
I do not know their history. for I do not have the right to call them a monster.
For I do not know what a monster is.
For I am ever a monster.
But again what makes a monster?