Recall the beta function definition and gamma identity,

Consider the sum

Compute it by converting the gammas to the beta integral, interchanging summation with integration, and using the sum of a geometric series.

It follows that

Now we compute the sum of interest. It's just a matter of introducing appropriate gamma factors to condense the double series into a single hypergeometric one.
Recall the definition of the generalized hypergeometric function,

denotes the Pochhammer symbol, defined by

We'll be needing the following identities later.

-sum is

Then the double sum reduces to

Rewrite the summand. We use the property
to convert to Pochhammer symbols.

![\displaystyle . ~~~~~~~~ = \frac1{x^2} ((n-1)! (x)_(n-1))/(\left[(1+x)_(n-1)\right]^2)](
Now in the sum, shift the index to start at 0, and introduce an additional factor of
to get the hypergeometric form.
![\displaystyle \sum_(n=1)^\infty \frac1{x^2} ((n-1)! (x)_(n-1))/(\left[(1+x)_(n-1)\right]^2) = \frac1{x^2} \sum_(n=0)^\infty ((n!)^2 (x)_n)/(\left[(1+x)_n\right]^2) \frac1{n!} \\\\ ~~~~~~~~ = \frac1{x^2} \sum_(n=0)^\infty ([(1)_n]^2 (x)_n)/(\left[(1+x)_n\right]^2) \frac1{n!} \\\\ ~~~~~~~~ = \boxed{\frac1{x^2} \, {}_3F_2\left(\left.\begin{array}{c}1,1,x\\1+x,1+x\end{array}\right\vert1\right)}](