Maybe 15: 90/6=15
Are you a Good Person? Let’s check and see! Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen? (Even if it’s small) Now, have you ever taken the Lord's Name in vain? Have you ever hated someone? If you have ever done any of those things, you would be either a liar, a thief, a blasphemer(for taking Gods Name in vain), or a murderer (for hating someone. See 1 John 3:15) or maybe even all of them. And that was only 4 of the Ten Commandments. Therefore God’s Standard Is Very High. The Bible Seems to Basically Tell is That If We’ve Just Broken One Law We’re Guilty Of Breaking Them All. (James 2:10) So we have all sinned against God and therefore deserve death. (Romans 3:23 & 6:23) None of us are Good, or Good people. That’s why A Savior Was Sent; Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of The World And Then He Rose On The 3rd Day . Through His Sacrifice He Paid The Fine for our sins, and made Atonement for the sins Of The World. Now we can be made new by accepting The Gift of Salvation. In order to accept This Gift, we must first Repent. This is a change of mind about sin (from an embrace of sin to rejection of sin) and a Turning to God.
Once you Repent, you can then turn to FAITH in what CHRIST Did for us sinners. Then, A person who has truly Repented of their sin and has FAITH in What Christ Did, will give evidence of a changed Life. Therefore, as a Result of Salvation you can then produce Good Works and the Fruit of Salvation. (Reading the Word, Acts of Kindness, readiness to help, to serve, to give of oneself, The Fruits of the Spirit, etc.) You aren’t Saved by doing Good Works, but you can then produce Good Works As A Result Of Being Saved.