Step-by-step explanation:
Well, in theory, if a lot of people die, the dangerous hot climate could change into a more colder one, since every people on earth produces a lot of CO2, which is affecting a lot the Earth year over year.
For example, a human uses 7 liters per minute. 20% of these liters is oxygen. From this oxygen, 15% gets out when we exhale, but, 5% of the oxygen is used and converted to CO2. That means, 0.07 liters of co2 are converted by a human every minute. That's 36,792 liters of co2 per year, which is very huge, because this is just for 1 man every year. Think about 8 billions. That would be 294,336,000,000,000 liters of co2 produced by mankind, just converted by our organism. We also have to consider all of the other factor that produce heat though. For example factories and vulcanoes. All the vulcanoes on the planet, produce a total of 6.4 million tons of co2.
The manking produce 294,336,000,000 meters cubed of co2. If we know the density of co2, we can calculate the amount of mass produce by us.
density of co2 = 1.98 kg/m3 aproximately
density = mass / volume
1.98 = mass / 294,336,000,000 meters cubed of co2
mass = 582,785,280,000 tons of CO2 produce by manking every year.
The co2 produce by vulcanes is equal to 6.400.000 tons of CO2.
If less people would've been on the planet, the less CO2 it would be.
The carbon dioxide creates the greenhouse effect, which makes all the heat of planet Earth unescapeable. The more co2, the more hotter the planet gets, which could mean an apocalypse. The sad part is that to really save the planet, is that people have to be less. That's the only advantage of corona virus.
Hope it helped!