10 votes
B. As you flip through a Spanish magazine, you notice a section in which people send e-mails for others to read and respond to if interested. This

week's topic is "Tú y la escuela." See if you can understand what each e-mail says about what a school day is like. After reading each one, select the
phrases that best describe what the e-mail tells us about the person writing it. If the phrase describes the person, put "S" for si in the blank under his or
her name. If the phrase does NOT describe the person, put "N" for no in the blank.
1. Me llamo Luis. En la escuela no tengo muchas clases interesantes. ¿Cómo 2. Soy Victoria. ¡Tengo ocho clases en mi horario, y me gustan siete!
es mi dia típico? En la primera hora, estudio ciencias sociales. Es muy Mis profesores son graciosos e interesantes. En la octava hora, tengo la
aburrida. La profesora habla y nosotros escuchamos, nada más. En la clase de inglés con el Sr. Kraus. Es mi clase favorita. Él es el "Profesor
segunda y tercera hora, la tarea es muy fácil. El almuerzo es mi clase del Año" de la Escuela Central este año. Es muy divertido y muy
favorital Es divertido porque mis amigos comen el almuerzo también. No me paciente. Me gusta leer y escribir cuentos en la clase. Para mí, es una
gusta ir a la escuela
clase ideal

1 Answer

1 vote


Hi, I will translate for you

1. My name is Luis, i don't have many interesting classes.

2. I'm Victoria. I have 8 classes in my schedule and I like 7. What is my typical day? In first hour, I study social studies. My teacher is funny and interesting. In the 8th hour, I am bored. The teacher talks and we listen, nothing more. My English class with Mr.Kraus is my favorite. He is the teacher of second and third hour, the homework is really easy. Lunch is my class of the year, from my central school this year (I think you wrote this sentence incorrectly). It's very fun because my friends each lunch too. I'm not patient. I like to read and write stories in class. For me, I like to go to school, it is the ideal class.

I think what you pasted may have been broken up incorrectly because as I was reading a lot of it didn't make sense. I hope this helps anyways

User GuitarWorker
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