c. T state is low affinity and R state is high affinity.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hemoglobin (Hb) is a multimeric protein molecule that transports oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues in red blood cells. Hb exists in two quaternary states: 1- a T-state or deoxygenated conformation, which is referred to as 'deoxyhemoglobin'; and 2-a R state or fully oxygenated conformation, which is referred to as 'oxyhemoglobin'. The sequential model of cooperativity states that the conformation of a multimeric protein changes with each binding of a ligand, thereby sequentially changing its affinity for the ligand (i.e., cooperativity is dependent on ligand-induced). In consequence, this model states that the conformational state and affinity of Hb monomers change as they bind to oxygen.