3. Do you think it’s a good idea for people to take a career break? Write a paragraph to express your opinion. In your writing, you have to use these grammatical items: a. to + infinitive pattern b. future forms of the verbs.
Taking a career break is a good idea. During the break, people can improve or explore other areas, which will help them to be better people or to know themselves better. Besides, people can spend more time on their hobbies or activities. As a result, they will improve them and may be able to articulate them with their career. Also, as they have more free time, they can investigate and engage in different activities. They will probably find out new strengths and weaknesses that may be useful in their careers. I consider a career break a good idea since people are always going to benefit from it no matter if they decide to do it at an early stage or after long years.
Step-by-step explanation:
The to+ infinitive pattern is in: help them to be, be able to articulate, going to benefit, decide to do.
The future forms of the verbs are: will help, will improve, will probably find out, going to benefit.
The future form of the verbs is with the auxiliary will and the verb in the infinitive. This type of future expresses probability. Also, there are future actions expressed with the going to + infinitive. When we use it, we are referring to things that we are sure will happen in the future.