What I see: I see that certain parts of her skeleton are missing. The skeleton seems to be fairly old, since it has some rough spots along the jawline(the teeth look matured), I also noticed that some of Mary's smaller bones were absent, like her hands and feet. (fyi: the black parts of the skeleton are most likely the parts missing)
What I think: I think that they may have found Mary's skeleton in a very hard place to stay since they didn't seem to get a whole lot of her bones, although some could have been taken by animals if it was not buried in sediment(i.e sand, etc.) The remains they found of Mary's skeleton seemed to be in fair condition, and seem to be very darkened around the shoulder which may mean she did a lot of carrying(or climbing) to wear the points down so much.
3 questions I have: Where was Mary's skeletal remains found, and why is there so little they recovered? Was her skull broken apart, since they have a small portion of her skull but not the rest.