To make the graph we need to make a table with different pairs of angles and radius.
We can start with θ = 0, and calculate the radius for different values of θ. (π/6, π/3, π/4 and so on. Then, you can join the points.
The equation for radius will be:
Then, in the line of θ = 0, you draw a point in the fourth circle.
Then, we get the following table of values:
θ r
Note that we can't evaluate angles whose cosine is negative (angles in quadrants 2 and 3) since we would be trying to calculate the square root of a negative number, which does not exist among real numbers. Then, we will evaluate angles in the first quadrant (already done) and the 4th quadrant.
θ r
In the last table we use negative angles, they can be "translated" to positive:
-π/6= π/6
-π/4= 7π/4
-π/3= 5π/3
-π/2= 3π/2
Now, we can draw the points:
Joining the points: