Final Answer:
Primus Bank will receive $1.5 million, and Deuce Bank must pay $4.5 million to Primus Bank. The correct option is B.
Step-by-step explanation:
Primus Bank holds the first mortgage on Schwarzermorgen, and even though it was registered later, it takes precedence due to the principle of "first in time, first in right." When Deuce Bank provided the loan without knowledge of Primus Bank's mortgage, it takes a subordinate position. Therefore, Deuce Bank is obligated to cover the shortfall after satisfying Primus Bank's claim. The $1.5 million from the sale of Schwarzermorgen goes to Primus Bank, and Deuce Bank is responsible for paying the remaining $4.5 million.
In legal terms, the concept of "priority" in mortgage law dictates that the first mortgage has a higher claim on the property. Since Primus Bank's mortgage was established before Deuce Bank's, it has the superior claim, and the foreclosure proceeds are distributed accordingly. Therefore, Primus Bank is entitled to the entirety of the $1.5 million from the sale.
In summary, the legal precedence of Primus Bank's mortgage grants it the full $1.5 million, and Deuce Bank is liable for the outstanding $4.5 million, illustrating the fundamental principle of mortgage priority in property law. The correct option is B.