For (i),holds for all square-integrable, measurable random variables For (ii), the choice minimizes the expected square distance to among square-integrable, measurable random variables
The equation (i) represents the law of total variance. When broken down, it elucidates that the total squared difference between and is composed of the squared difference between and its conditional expectation given \(G\) plus the squared difference between the conditional expectation of given and . This showcases how the variability ofcan be decomposed based on the information available in
The choice in (ii) is significant as it results in the minimum expected square distance to among measurable random variables By setting as the conditional expectation of given we minimize the variability captured in with respect to within the class of measurable random variables, highlighting that is the best predictor of within the information captured by
This result implies that, given the available information in the best approximation or prediction forIt reflects the efficiency of the conditional expectation in minimizing the expected square distance between a random variable and its approximation, showing its significance in statistical estimation within the given probability space and sub-σ-algebra.
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