% of change = 167.2782875%
The percentage change formula is given by:
% change = [(new value - old value) / old value] * 100
Since 32.7 increased to 87.4, we can find the percentage change from 32.7 to 87.4 by substituting 32.7 for the old value and 87.4 for the new value in the percentage change formula:
% change = [(87.4 - 32.7) / 32.7] * 100
% change = (54.7 / 32.7) * 100
% change = (547 / 327) * 100
% change = 167.2782875
Therefore, the percentage change from 32.7 to 87.4 is 167.2782875%.
- You can use the exact answer or round to as many digits as you deem necessary (e.g., to the nearest hundredth).