Here's how you might categorize each phrase:
**Polar Bear Nursery**
- mother digs a den in a snowbank
**Newborn Polar Bears**
- weighs 14 to 16 ounces¹
- can be as long as 12 inches¹
- cannot see¹
- very little fur¹
- newborn cubs drink their mother's milk¹
**Raising Polar Bear Cubs**
- start to eat solid food
- cubs stay with mom for 30 months
- Mother polar bear teaches cubs to survive
These phrases provide a brief overview of the life of a polar bear from birth to adolescence. The "Polar Bear Nursery" section refers to the environment where the cubs are born and raised. The "Newborn Polar Bears" section describes the physical characteristics and behaviors of the cubs at birth. The "Raising Polar Bear Cubs" section describes the process of nurturing and teaching the cubs until they are ready to survive on their own¹..