The part-to-whole ratio using colon notation is represented by the ratio of the number of band members to the total number of sixth graders.
In this case, the part of interest is the number of band members (s), and the whole is the total number of sixth graders (t).
To write the part-to-whole ratio using colon notation, we can express it as: s : t For example, if there are 10 band members and 50 total sixth graders, the part-to-whole ratio using colon notation would be: 10 : 50 This ratio indicates that for every 10 band members, there are 50 total sixth graders.
It's important to note that the actual values of s and t may vary depending on the given information, so the ratio would change accordingly.
The colon notation simply represents the relationship between the part (s) and the whole (t) in a clear and concise manner.