Units 3 and 4 TGA - Civilization Spreads
We have been studying important river civilizations including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus, and China. These are foundational civilizations that have influenced later civilizations.
For this assignment you will -
Use the chart to show your understanding of elements of the different civilizations. You will select statements from the list, starred statements will be used more than once.
Write a well written paragraph between 7 to 10 sentences in length showing the similarities for most if not all river civilizations we have studied.
List of traits -
1 - Nile River
2 - Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
3 - Yellow and Yangtze Rivers
4 - Indus River
5 - Developed around rivers which allowed for irrigation**
6 -Built pyramids
7 - Developed a writing system **
8 - Invented gunpowder, porcelain, and silk
9 - Invented the wheel and sailboat
10 - Hieroglyphics translated using the Rosetta Stone
11 - Had running water and a sewage system
12 - Irrigation canals used for producing a surplus of food **
13 - Divided into Early, Middle, and New Kingdoms
14 - Hammurabi’s Code – first set of laws written down
15 - Farmed for food and traded surplus **
16 - Had linen from flax to trade
17 - Had silk to trade
18 - Most people farm but did also have division or specialization of labor **
19 - Supported large groups of people living together in cities **
20 - Scribe were the class that could read and write **
21 - Area first was city-states but eventually developed into the first Empire under Sargon
22 - Aryan people took over area and suppressed local people
23 - The flooding of the river left silt a rich fertile soil for farming **
24 - Geographic isolation of mountain, deserts, and surrounding seas diminished outside influences