Directions: The following passage discusses a lucky presidential pet. Carefully read each sentence and decide where a semicolon or conjunctive adverb is necessary. Select the blank line to choose the correct option from the dropdown menu. Hint: Not every sentence will need a semicolon or conjunctive adverb. Quick as possible.
(1) Many Americans could not tell you the names of all nine justices in the Supreme Court; however, they could tell you the type of dog that President Obama chose during his first year in office. (2) Bo, a Portuguese Water Dog, received much attention when the Obamas adopted him in 2009. (3) President Obama had indicated that he would adopt "a mutt" from a rescue shelter; instead, he and his family welcomed a purebred dog as a gift from the Kennedy family. (4) Many animal advocates criticized Obama for not leading by example in the rescue of a shelter dog; furthermore, critics worried that breeders of Portuguese Water Dogs would be overwhelmed by people who wanted a dog like the president's. (5) Nevertheless; some supporters of Obama's decision argue that Bo is technically a rescue dog. (6) Bo's original owner returned him to the breeder because he was not a good fit; however, a Kennedy family dog trainer "foster parented" him for a month before the Obamas' decision to adopt him. (7) The Obamas appeared delighted by Bo despite the controversy; next critics moved on to complain about how the presidential family spoiled their pet.