The New Deal initiatives didn't solve all of the issues, but they unquestionably aided and demonstrated that spending by the government on the impoverished and middle class can actually help alleviate a depression or serious recession. This was once more supplied by the Obama Administration when expenditure by the government assisted in reversing George W. Bush's severe economic crisis. Giving the poor and middle class money encourages them to spend it on products and services, which boosts the business. The affluent, however, will either hide it in offshore accounts or use it to defraud people if you offer them money. Conservatives consistently refute this, arguing that the only way to boost the economy is to give more money to the already affluent. The right wingers like to assert that government spending on the poor and middle class did not end the Great Depression; rather, they contend that it was spending on World War Two that helped lift us out of the Great Depression. Therefore, in order to boost the economy, outrageous sums should always be spent on the military-industrial complex, but the impoverished should never receive any assistance (according to Republicans). This is because Republicans who win elections are essentially criminals and liars (e.g., Trump)