Ok here you go
Act V of Romeo and Juliet begins with Romeo returning to Verona, determined to end his life after learning that Juliet is no longer alive. He purchases poison from an apothecary and proceeds to the Capulet tomb, where he meets Paris, who is there to lay flowers for Juliet. They fight, and Romeo murders Paris, who wishes to be buried next to Juliet.
Romeo enters the tomb, discovers Juliet's dead body, and consumes the poison. Juliet awakens soon after, and when she discovers Romeo is dead, she stabs herself with his dagger. When the watchmen, Capulets, and Montagues arrive at the tomb, the Friar recounts the tragic events that have occurred. The two families are devastated and vow to put an end to their feud by erecting gold statues of Romeo and Juliet in their honor. The Prince arrives and accuses the two families of being complicit in the tragedy. The Prince says in the final scene, "For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo," emphasizing the feud's devastating impact and the tragedy that befell the young lovers.
I am pretty sure it is 7 sentences I just wrote a lot. Feel free to paraphrase what I said if you want it shorter.