Who founded the Persian Empire? Cyrus
the Battle of Salamis was a decisive battle becauseXerxes now returned to Persia with all his army and navy and left the Greeks alone.Due to a limited amount of fertile farmland, the Greeksconquer other areas and established colonies where farmland was plentifulThe turing point of the Battle of Thermopylae for the Persians waswhen the Spartans were surround when a Greek traitor told the Persians of a mountain passThe education of boys in ancient Sparta centered around prepartion to becomesoldiersThe Battle of Marathon was significant for the Greeks becasueIt was a moral victory for the Greeks, they realized that Persians were no longer unbeatableIn response to the Persian Wars, the Greek city-states formedan alliance called the Delian LeagueMycenaens wage a war that is the basis for the story of theTrojan WarWho fought in the Battle of Marathon?Athens and Persian ArmiesAncient Spartan society was centered around which of the following?military preparednessWhich form of political power did women in ancient Sparta posses?the right to become citizensMinoans lived during this ageBronze Age
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