It is impossible to have surface features such as water, forests, and snow & ice, and not have an atmosphere because the atmosphere plays a critical role in regulating surface conditions on a planet.
The atmosphere provides a layer of insulation that helps to trap heat and regulate the temperature of the planet's surface. Without an atmosphere, the temperature on the planet's surface would be subject to extreme fluctuations, with temperatures reaching extremes on both the hot and cold ends of the spectrum.
Additionally, the atmosphere provides a shield against harmful radiation and particles from space, such as cosmic rays and solar wind. Without this protection, the surface of the planet would be bombarded by high-energy particles that could damage or destroy any life that might exist there.
Finally, the atmosphere plays a crucial role in the water cycle, which is essential for the existence of water on the planet's surface. Without the atmosphere, water on the planet's surface would quickly evaporate and be lost to space.
Therefore, the presence of surface features such as water, forests, and snow & ice are indicative of the presence of an atmosphere, and it is unlikely that such features could exist on a planet without an atmosphere.