Assuming it's talking about x86-64 architecture, here's the program:
section .data
once: dd 0x3, 0xe, 0xf8, 0xfe0
twice: times 4 dd 0
section .text
global _start
mov esi, once ; set esi to the start of the once array
mov edi, twice ; set edi to the start of the twice array
mov ecx, 4 ; set the loop counter to 4 (the number of elements in the arrays)
mov eax, [esi] ; load a value from once into eax
add eax, eax ; double the value
mov [edi], eax ; store the result in twice
add esi, 4 ; advance to the next element in once
add edi, 4 ; advance to the next element in twice
loop loop ; repeat until ecx is zero
; exit the program
mov eax, 60 ; system call for exit
xor ebx, ebx ; return code of zero
Step-by-step explanation:
The 'dd' directive defines the once array with the specified values, and the 'times' directive defines the twice array with four zero values.
It uses the 'mov' instruction to set the registers 'esi' and 'edi' to the start of the once and twice arrays respectively. Then it sets the loop counter 'ecx' to 4.
The program then enters a loop that loads a value from once into 'eax', doubles the value by adding it to itself, stores the result in twice, and then advances to the next element in both arrays. This loop will repeat until 'ecx' is zero.
Hope this helps! (By the way, the comments (;) aren't necessary, they're just there to help - remember, they're not instructions).