Final Answer:
There are approximately 21,876,340 8-letter "words" using the 26-letter alphabet (letters can be repeated) that either begin or end with a vowel.
Step-by-step explanation:
To calculate the total number of words, we consider two cases: words starting with a vowel and words ending with a vowel.
Words starting with a vowel:
Vowel choices: There are 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
Remaining letters: For the remaining 7 positions, each can be filled with any of the 26 letters.
Total possibilities: 5 (vowels) * 26^7
Words ending with a vowel:
Remaining letters: Similar to the first case, 7 positions can be filled with any of the 26 letters.
Vowel choices: For the last position, there are 5 vowel options.
Total possibilities: 26^7 * 5 (vowels)
Total words:
Sum the possibilities from both cases:
Total words = Words starting with a vowel + Words ending with a vowel
Total words = 5 * 26^7 + 26^7 * 5
Total words ≈ 21,876,340
Therefore, there are approximately 21,876,340 8-letter "words" that either begin or end with a vowel using the 26-letter alphabet with repeated letters allowed.