My experience with prejudice, alienation, and loneliness was the most difficult one. Growing up, I experienced manipulation, exploitation, and racism everywhere I went. For me, it was a very bad period. I despised my South Asian ancestry, had very poor self-worth, and was perplexed as to why everyone despised me. Why did everyone exploit me for their own goals before throwing me out like trash? Racism had a significant impact on how I developed my identity. I despised my roots and culture for a while. Yet when I was a teenager, I saw how lovely my culture is and how important it is for me to value my roots. I also came to the realization that I should take individuals out of my life who are not worth it and that my happiness shouldn't be dependent on them. Today's society is still impacted by racism, and I observe a lack of tolerance for my culture and faith. Yet I developed the strength to never give up.