Answer: When citing a source with no author, you should use the first few words of the title in your in-text citation. If the title is long, you can use a shortened version.
For example, if you are citing an article titled "The Effects of Climate Change on Global Agriculture" and there is no author listed, you could use the following format:
("Effects of Climate Change," 2022)
In this example, "Effects of Climate Change" is the first few words of the title, and "2022" is the year the article was published.
If the source is a website with no specific article or page title, you can use the name of the website instead. For example:
("National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration," n.d.)
In this example, "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration" is the name of the website, and "n.d." stands for "no date" since there is no publication date available.
Be sure to also include a corresponding reference entry in your bibliography or works cited page with the full publication information for the source.
Step-by-step explanation: