Answer: "Frantic hysterical intoxication" is a phrase that describes a state of extreme emotional excitement or agitation, often accompanied by excessive drinking or drug use. The term "frantic" suggests a frenzied or panicked state, while "hysterical" implies a loss of control and a heightened emotional state. "Intoxication" refers to the consumption of drugs or alcohol that can lead to altered consciousness and impaired judgment.
The phrase might be used to describe someone who is behaving in a wild, frenzied, or irrational manner under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It may also refer to a general sense of chaos or disorder in a social setting where people are heavily intoxicated and unable to control their behavior. Overall, "frantic hysterical intoxication" suggests a state of emotional and behavioral excess that is brought on by the effects of drugs or alcohol.
Explanation: In this context, "frantic hysterical intoxication" refers to a state of emotional agitation and panic among the people in Dakar, an African port, as a result of the crisis that had unfolded between Vichy France and the United States and Britain. The phrase implies that the people in Dakar were in a frenzied and irrational state due to the uncertainty and fear caused by the conflict. The word "intoxication" suggests that this state of heightened emotion may have been exacerbated by the consumption of alcohol or other substances, although it could also be used figuratively to describe a state of mind that is similar to the effects of intoxication. Overall, the phrase paints a picture of a chaotic and emotionally charged environment that was brought on by the political tensions of the time.