Squatter settlements, also known as informal settlements, are a common pattern in megacities of the global periphery. These settlements are characterized by their irregular layouts and the lack of basic infrastructure and services, such as access to clean water, electricity, and proper sanitation.
In many cases, squatter settlements emerge as a response to the inability of governments to provide affordable and adequate housing for their populations, particularly in rapidly growing cities. Many residents of squatter settlements are low-income or informal workers who cannot afford the high cost of living in urban areas.
The pattern of squatter settlements can vary depending on the city, but they are often found on the periphery of urban areas, in areas that are prone to natural disasters or have difficult terrain that makes formal development challenging. In some cases, squatter settlements occupy land that is owned by the state or private entities, creating legal and political challenges for their inhabitants.
Squatter settlements can range in size from a few hundred households to tens of thousands of residents. They are often built with materials that are locally available and affordable, such as wood, corrugated metal, and plastic. These settlements often lack basic services and infrastructure, and residents may rely on informal systems, such as communal water taps and pit latrines.
In summary, the pattern of squatter settlements in megacities of the global periphery is characterized by irregular layouts, lack of basic infrastructure and services, and a tendency to be located on the periphery of urban areas. They often emerge as a response to the inability of governments to provide affordable and adequate housing, and are occupied by low-income or informal workers.