The Synoptic Problem refers to the similarities and differences between the three synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The problem arises because these three gospels have a significant amount of material in common, yet there are also many differences in their content and order.
Step-by-step explanation:
The solution to the Synoptic Problem is a matter of ongoing scholarly debate, and there is no one universally accepted answer. However, the most widely accepted explanation is that the gospel of Mark was the first to be written, and that both Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source when composing their own gospels. Additionally, both Matthew and Luke had access to another source, referred to as "Q" (from the German word "quelle" meaning "source"), which contained teachings and sayings of Jesus. This explanation is known as the Two-Source Hypothesis.
There are alternative theories, such as the Farrer Hypothesis and the Griesbach Hypothesis, but they have not received as much support among scholars.
Ultimately, the solution to the Synoptic Problem is still being studied and debated, and new evidence and perspectives continue to emerge.