Dear (name):
Please forgive me for not writing sooner, but I’ve been in the hospital since last weekend. Don’t worry. The doctors say I should completely recover, but it may take some time. But they’ve advised me to be extra careful around any electrical devices. I agree!
Our squad had cheerleading practice last Saturday. It went on all day. It was grueling. By the time I got home, my muscles were aching and I was tense and a bit hyper. So I ran myself a warm bubble bath and put on some relaxing music. While that helped some, it wasn’t enough. So I got out of the tub, went to my room, and grabbed the electrical massager I use to work out muscle kinks. Back into the bathroom, I plugged it in and settled back into my warm bubble bath. The music was playing and I was humming along to it. I turned the massager on and was working on some areas that weren’t in the water. I thought I knew about electrical safety!
Anyhow, I relaxed more and apparently started drifting off to sleep. My hand relaxed on the massager and it fell into the water. Next thing I knew, I was in the hospital.
That was definitely the shock of my life.
Best wishes,
(Your name)
P.S. I keep forgetting to ask my doctor whether battery-powered devices would be safe. My short-term memory is really fried