To find out which rental car company is cheaper, you need to compare the cost for the same number of miles driven. Let's say you drive a total of "m" miles.
The cost for renting a car from Lou's Garage is 50 + 0.1m dollars.
The cost for renting a car from Jerry's Garage is 25 + 0.05m dollars.
To determine which option is cheaper, you need to compare these two expressions and find out which one is less. To do this, you can subtract the second expression from the first expression:
50 + 0.1m - (25 + 0.05m) = 25 + 0.05m
This equation shows that the cost of renting a car from Lou's Garage is 25 + 0.05m dollars more expensive than renting a car from Jerry's Garage for the same number of miles driven. Therefore, Jerry's Garage is the cheaper option.