According to Dr. Ridel's Levels of Critical Thinking I believe I would fall into the level fivecategory. As Dr.Ridel stated multiple times in the first chapter one must not "Believe they arecritical thinkers when they’re not.", so I started there when thinking about where I am level wise.I read through all the descriptions of the levels with an open-mind and found that five would bemy safest bet. Five was my choice because I tend to look into how true statements are but I canbe stubborn and let my personal thoughts cloud this, very rarely, but it still does occur. I also canbe very lazy and take an answer or something I read and not further investigate its accuracy. Iam pretty good with noticing what is the truth and what is not when I take the time to actually tryto look for accuracy in things I read or things people tell me but I do still need work.