The two texts, "Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True" and "The Opportunity of a Lifetime," address voluntourism. The purpose of the first text, a speech to the student body of Evergreen High, is to discourage voluntourism and instead promote more genuine and effective ways to help others. The author emphasizes the negative impact voluntourism can have on local communities and argues that it is more harmful than helpful. The author also highlights the issues with voluntourism, such as that it perpetuates small-minded views of the world, takes jobs away from local workers, and can be an insincere and superficial experience.
On the other hand, the purpose of the second text, a magazine advertisement, is to promote voluntourism as a valuable opportunity. The author emphasizes the benefits of voluntourism, such as that it is a way to travel, experience different cultures, and help others. The title of the text, "The Opportunity of a Lifetime," conveys a sense of excitement and adventure. The text also makes the cost of voluntourism seem affordable and accessible, making it appealing to readers.
Both texts present different perspectives on voluntourism and use different language and images to achieve their respective purposes. The speech to the student body aims to discourage voluntourism and promote alternative ways to help, while the magazine advertisement aims to promote voluntourism as a desirable and valuable opportunity.