1. In "Utopia" by Sir Thomas More, More's ideas advocate for a society that is more equal and just, where people are treated fairly and have access to resources necessary for a good life. He believes that such a society would lead to greater fairness.
2. (a) More believes that poverty is a threat to a nation because it can lead to social unrest and create conditions that are conducive to crime and violence. He sees poverty as a sign of mismanagement by those in power and argues that a king should be concerned about the well-being of his people, including the poor.
(b) By connecting poverty to the idea that a king should rule for the sake of his people, More is arguing that a king who does not address poverty is failing in his duty to protect and serve the people. He sees poverty as a threat to the stability and security of the kingdom.
3(a) According to More, a king who rules through "insults, ill-usage, confiscation, and impoverishment" loses the loyalty and respect of his people, as well as his own dignity and authority.
(b) This points to the assumption that monarchs are responsible for the well-being of their people and that they should rule in the interest of the people, rather than just their own interests.
4. More appeals to the self-interest and vanity of kings by arguing that a king who rules justly and with concern for his people will be respected and remembered positively by history. He argues that a king who rules through violence and cruelty will be despised and remembered as a tyrant.
5. (a) More advocates for a general rule of good leadership that involves treating people fairly and with dignity, providing for their needs, and avoiding actions that might cause harm or unrest.
(b) More's views of good government resemble modern democratic ideals in that he emphasizes the importance of treating people equally and with respect, as well as the importance of serving the interests of the people. However, he was writing at a time when the idea of democracy was not well developed, and his ideas were based on the belief that a monarch should rule in the best interest of the people.