How Scrooge is shown to have changed in this extract:
Scrooge was very harsh with everyone that had to pay him back or work for him. Once he saw Bob's situation as a father who only wanted to bring joy, food, and everything else his children wanted he realized that Bob works hard not because of money but because of the love of a father. The main reason Scrooge changed his mind about Bob was because of Tiny Tim's condition.
In chapter 4, where Scrooge met the last Ghost of Christmas, which represented the fear of death, Scrooge asked the Ghost if Tim will die and the Ghost replied: "Yes, he could". From what I remember, Tiny Tim died in the timeline that the last Ghost showed Scrooge, but he was saved by Scrooge's charity in another.
How Scrooge is shown to have changed in the novel as a whole:
Scrooge hated Christmas because of his past and became cold-hearted and mean. Once he learned he had to leave the past behind and forget what happened he started to see the situation he put a lot of people in, but also how people reacted to his death. One thing he had throughout the story was character development. Being hurt in the past and remembered the pain every Christmas, closing himself to others, and being mean, but in the end, he realized his mistakes and wanted to make a change to save the future of his timeline.
If you want to know more about the story but you don't have time to read or simply hate reading, then you should listen to the audiobook or watch the animated movie!
I hope it was helpful!