Is there a puppy in the box?
Come here, little puppy!
She will be my new friend.
Oh, you are adorable!
Rick takes a picture of the dog. Subject: Rick Predicate: takes a picture of the dog
The picture looks clear. Subject: The picture Predicate: looks clear
The dog barks happily. Subject: The dog Predicate: barks happily
The day is warm and sunny. Subject: The day Predicate: is warm and sunny
Rick snaps a picture of the trees. Subject: Rick Predicate: snaps a picture of the trees
Pink flowers fall from the trees. Subject: Pink flowers Predicate: fall from the trees
My brother is a good cook. Singular
He picks cherries from the tree. Plural
He will make pies. Plural
I cannot wait for dinner. Singular
Three ladies will eat with us. Plural