Step-by-step explanation:
The American Communist Party may have benefited from the poor economy in the United States in a few ways. Firstly, during times of economic hardship, people may become more open to alternative political ideologies and may be more inclined to support a party that promises to address economic inequality and provide for the needs of working-class citizens. Additionally, the Communist Party's message of worker's rights and opposition to capitalist excesses may have resonated with those who were struggling to make ends meet during the economic downturn.
Furthermore, during times of high unemployment, the Communist party may have been able to recruit more members from the unemployed and underemployed population. Also, the party may have been able to capitalize on the widespread dissatisfaction with the government's handling of the economic crisis, positioning itself as a viable alternative to the existing political establishment.
Finally, the Communist Party may have been able to exploit the economic crisis to further its political agenda, by using it as evidence of the failure of capitalism and the need for a socialist revolution.
It's important to note that during the Great Depression, the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) was relatively small and marginal political force. The CPUSA was not able to capitalize on the economic crisis to a great extent and its growth was hindered by repression from the government.