Answer: A puppy has 78 chromosomes, 39 of which come from the mother and 39 from the father. Within each of these chromosomes, there are genes. It is these genes that determine what the puppy looks like depending on how they are combined. Some genes are dominant and others are recessive. Expressed genes are in pairs. You only need one dominant gene in a pair to get that trait expressed, where are a recessive trait requires both genes to be recessive. For example, blue eyes is a recessive trait, which is why in humans, two blue eyed parents can only have blue eyed children. Genetics can be very complicated, but the simple answer to your question is that no there is no specific percentage of how much a puppy will look like its father and mother. It all depends on the genes each parent carries, the type of gene (dominant or recessive), and how the genes assemble. I hope this helps!