The following characteristics are useful in determining the type of sedimentary rock:
Clastic sedimentary rocks: These rocks are made up of fragments of other rocks and minerals. The size, shape, and sorting of the fragments can be used to identify the type of clastic rock.
Chemical sedimentary rocks: These rocks are formed by the precipitation of minerals from solution. The mineral composition, crystal size and texture, and overall appearance can be used to identify the type of chemical sedimentary rock.
Biochemical sedimentary rocks: These rocks are formed by the accumulation of organic material, such as shells, shells of microorganisms, and other biogenic debris. The presence of fossils and other organic material can be used to identify these rocks.
Organic sedimentary rocks: These rocks are formed from the accumulation of plant and animal debris. The presence of plant and animal fossils, as well as the type and arrangement of organic matter, can be used to identify these rocks.
Note that sedimentary rocks may have features of multiple types and the characteristics listed above are not exclusive to one type of sedimentary rock.