Step One: Research the Inca Civilization and decide on a theme for your special purpose map.
The theme for the special purpose map would be the Inca Empire's road system.
Step Two: Based on your research use the following map to create a special purpose map. Make sure to include the following on your special purpose map:
Title: "Inca Empire's Road System"
Label landforms and waterways: label major mountain ranges, rivers, and lakes that the road system had to navigate around or cross.
Create a map key that allows a social scientist to interpret your map: The key would include symbols for different types of roads such as main roads, secondary roads, and trails.
Step Three: What can a social scientist learn from studying the special purpose map that you created?
A social scientist can learn about the organization and engineering capabilities of the Inca Empire by studying the special purpose map. The map would show the extensive road network that connected different parts of the empire, and the challenges that the Incas had to overcome, such as building roads through rugged terrain and across rivers. Additionally, the map would demonstrate how the road system was integral to the empire's political and economic control, as it facilitated communication and the movement of goods and people. Overall, the special purpose map would provide a unique perspective on the Inca Empire, highlighting its transportation infrastructure as a key aspect of its power and organization.