This question is actually not that complexed!
The way we add fractions is by finding the same common denominator. A common denominator between these two fractions is 21. This is because 3x7 is 21, and 7x3 is 21, giving us a common denominator between the two. Now whenever we multiply the denominator, we have to multiply the same value to the numerator!
2/3 multiplied by 7 (Numerator and Denominator) = 14/21
3/7 multiplied by 3 (Numerator and Denominator) = 9/21
Now after we converted the denominators, we can now add! Just add straight forward, however the denominator stays the same.
14/21 + 9/21 is 23/21
After we simplify it, we would get 1 2/21 (Mixed fraction) as our final answer. Therefore the answer is 1 2/21.
If you have any questions, please leave them below! Thanks!