Answer and explanation
1a) The majority party in Congress has several legislative advantages when it comes to committees and leadership. One of the main advantages is that the majority party controls the chairpersonships of committees, which means they have more power to shape the agenda and determine which bills will be considered. Additionally, the majority party has more seats on committees, which gives them more influence over the committee's actions and decisions. The majority party also controls the leadership positions in Congress, such as the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader in the Senate, which gives them more control over the legislative agenda and the ability to set the legislative priorities.
1b) Even with single-party control, passing legislation can be difficult in Congress due to a number of factors. One example is the presence of ideological divisions within the party. Even if one party holds a majority in both chambers of Congress, not all members of the party may agree on the specific details of a bill, making it harder to pass legislation. Another example is the presence of interest groups that may lobby against a bill, making it harder to pass even if it has majority party support.
2a) In addition to passing laws, Congress performs several other important functions:
Oversight of the bureaucracy: Congress is responsible for monitoring the actions and policies of the federal bureaucracy and ensuring that they are being carried out in accordance with the laws and the Constitution.
Confirmation of presidential nominees: Congress is responsible for confirming presidential nominees for various positions, such as judges and cabinet members, to ensure that they are qualified and fit for the positions they will hold.
Impeachment and trial: Congress has the power to impeach and remove federal officials, including the president, from office for committing "high crimes and misdemeanors."
2b) The framers of the Constitution considered these functions to be important as they are necessary checks and balances on the power of the federal government. The oversight of the bureaucracy ensures that the bureaucracy is accountable to the people and the laws. The confirmation of presidential nominees ensures that officials are qualified and fit for the positions they will hold. And impeachment and trial ensure that officials will not abuse their power and can be held accountable for any wrongdoings. These checks and balances help to maintain the balance of power and prevent any one branch or individual from becoming too powerful.