1. Answer – B (A doctoral degree in psychology and at least two years of practical training) To be a psychologist, one must have a doctorate degree in one of the fields of psychology and a minimum of 2 years practical training. The doctorate degree could be a PhD (research-based Doctor of philosophy degree in psychology), a PsyD (Doctor of psychology degree, which focusses more on clinical practice than on research), or an EdD (Doctor of education specializing in psychology.
2. Answer C. (A disorder characterized by extreme emotions) A mood disorder is usually characterized by extreme emotions. For instance Major depressive disorder is a type of mood disorder which is characterized by prolonged and persistent periods of extreme sadness.
3. Answer – B (Experience symptoms of mental illness) Reports form SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)of the United States estimate that every year, about 50 million people in the country experience symptoms of mental illness, and that 0ver ten million of these incidences are severe cases.
4. Answer – B (Their weight loss is extreme) Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by fear of gaining weight and deliberate weight loss. People with anorexia often practice food restriction because they see themselves as overweight whereas they are in fact underweight.
5. Answer – B (Medication) An effective treatment for depression is antidepressant medication. Other options stated in the question are basically effects or symptoms of depressive disorder, namely anxiety, obsession and self-injury. The most commonly prescribed antidepressant medications are Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
6. Answer – B (at least two weeks) To validate the diagnosis of clinical depression, the person must be shown to have experienced at least four signs of the disorder for at least two weeks. During the two weeks period, the signs must be present nearly every day and for the most part of the day.
7. Answer – A (A physical disorder) It has been said over and again by many experts that mental illness is like any other medical illness. This point towards the fact that mental disorders, similar to physical disorders, have a biological basis, and for that reason, both should be treated in the same way by the public.
8. Answer – D (Deny there is a problem) One startling aspect of anorexia nervosa is that people with the disorder keep on thinking that they are overweight even when they are bone-thin and may deny that there is a problem when confronted.