The options of the question are, A) Slaves were sold to cruel masters and treated like animals. B) Slaves were treated like property and separated from loved ones. C) Slaves were sold to white people who also bought their families. D) Slaves were treaty cruelly but were not separated from loved ones.
The correct answer is B) Slaves were treated like property and separated from loved ones.
The cruel realities regarding slavery that Frederick Douglass describe are that slaves were treated like property and separated from loved ones.
The excerpt from the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, refers to the cruel realities regarding the lives of slaves the Southern. When he expresses that “Our fate for life was now to be decided. We had no more voice on that decision…A single word from the white men was enough…to sunder forever the dearest friends…” he is describing the cruelty of the owners. The slaves were treated like property and separated from loved ones.