Why can only one of them be equal to 2/3 ? ? ?
For any fraction you name, there are an infinite number of other fractions
that have the same value. That's why sometimes you're asked to 'simplify'
a fraction, or 'reduce it to lowest terms'. The fraction you start with and the
fraction you end up with both have exactly the same value (if you do it correctly) . . . .
they are EQUAL ! !
-- If you simplify 204/306 , you get 2/3 .
-- If you reduce 56 / 84 to lowest terms, you get 2/3 .
-- All three of those fractions have the same value.
-- 204/306 , 56 / 84 , and 2/3 are all EQUAL .
If your big brother eats 204/306 of a pizza, and your little sister eats
2/3 of another pizza, and you eat 56/84 of a pizza, each of you eats
the same amount !