Heroism has been a recurrent topic used in literature for centuries, but most tyipically in novels. The definition, in itself, is a person who dares to undertake actions that far surpass the capacities of normal human beings. Be it through physical strength, daring actions that defy basic and natural human fear, or through moral actions and decisions that surpass the baseline actions of people, heroes are those who are constantly portrayed as being, in some form, superior to others. In this particular poem, written by Sir Walter Scott, in his "Ballads: Netherby Halls Lochinvar", the image of a hero, especially a courageous one, is put forth through the description of a man who dare to face danger and hardship to claim his loved one. The correct answer in this case then is: A: He rode all unarm´d, and he rode all alone, So faithful in love, so dauntless in war because it shows a man who fears nothing and faces everything just to get where he wants and needs to be, despite the danger that he might face and also because of the mention of how he behaves when in battle, without any fear. This, as said before, is the definition of a courageous hero.