what is a common denominator for 3 1/2 and 1 2/5
1/2 and 3/5
Look for the lowest common multiple, LCM, of 2 and 5. That is the
smallest number that 2 and 5 both divide into evenly with no remainder.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
5, 10
The LCM is 10 so that will be the common denominator.
To turn 1/2 into x/10 we need to multiply the denominator, 2, by 5
so multiply 1/2 by 5/5: (1/2)(5/5) = 1(5)/[2(5)] = 5/10
To turn 3/5 into x/10 we multiply the denominator, 5, by 2
so multiply 3/5 by 2/2: (3/5)(2/2) = 3(2)/[5(2)] = 6/10
1/2 + 3/5 = 5/10 + 6/10 = (5+6)/10 = 11/10 or 1 1/10
Your pair of fractions is 5/10 and 6/10