The three words have a negative connotation.
Step-by-step explanation:
Connotation is the idea or feeling created by a word in addition to its literal meaning. Words can have a positive, neutral, or negative connotation depending on the use that is given to them in certain contexts.
Denotation is the literal or main meaning of a word, independent of its use.
The denotations of the three given words are:
- Antagonism - Opposition of a conflicting force, tendency, or principle.
- Refugee - One that flees.
- Distraught - Agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain.
Considering the common use of these words, they are associated with a negative idea and carry a negative connotation:
- Antagonism - Hostility or agressiveness.
- Refugee - Someone trying to escape from a bad situation. / A criminal or fugitive.
- Distraught - Crazy or deranged.