It is false that job hidden in the job market can be discovered through advertisement. As matter of fact, they aren't even advertised. You cant just go to a job post website and get them, if it was then they aren't hidden. There are multiple ways that prove how hard it is to find these jobs. One is that you have to network. Join website like linkedin and you'll be able to connect professionally with others. Talk to people who are also trying to find a job, they are always eager to show you what they found to help someone out in need. Even join the IRA! Most people that are apart of the IRA are able to get hidden jobs before anyone else. As a personal experience I believe these to be true. When I quit my job because of the employees and my medical issue is difficult to find a job. Most job wants you to have experience already that takes years to earn, especially if you have no degree. Though I am not trying to knocked down website like snagajob, indeed, and zip recruiter etc, they aren't that helpful. rarely you will get a call back and your resume ends up not being looked at or in the trash. The way I found my first job was actually through someone else. It was hidden on a website which they guide me to and I was quickly hired.