1- The correct answer is C. China has a population of more than 1 billion.
2- The correct answer is D. In India, the introduction of Sanskrit, Hinduism, and the caste system all occurred during the time period of Aryan civilizations.
Step-by-step explanation:
1- The 2010 national census recorded that the population of the People's Republic of China was of 1,370,536,875 inhabitants. About 16.6% were under the age of fourteen, 70.14% were between 15 and 59 years old, and 13.26% were over the age of 60. The population growth rate in 2013 was 0.44%.
2- Before the year 1500 BC, the semi-barbarian cultures flowed from Central Europe, in a vast migratory current that spread through Europe, North Africa and Asia, profoundly modifying those lands forever. One of the peoples of that migration were the Iranians, who called themselves arya ("the nobles"). This people always traveled towards the East, passing through the Russian steppes and Asia Minor. As a vanguard, these towns had brotherhoods of young men, hunters and warriors who, mounted on horses and chariots, seized the eastern plains, terrorizing the area and subjecting the native cultures. When they reached India, they started to develop the Sanskrit and the caste system. Their religions mixed with the native beliefs too, giving birth to Hinduism.