1) We can represent that division in some ways, but we need to consider the material.
Great cube 1000 units
Each tiny cube is 1 unit
Each stick has 10 units
Each square has 100 units
2) So to represent 491 with that material we'll need
3) Let's Divide 491 by 4 we'll have=4x 122 +3 (remainder)
4 x 100 + 4 x20 + 4x 2 +3
400 + 80 +8 + 3 = 491
400+80+10+1 = 491
4 square of 100 units = 4 x 100 =400
8sticks of 10 units = 8x 10 = 80
1 stick of 10 units= 1 0
3 units
Alternatively, we can represent
4 x 100 (square)
9 x 10 (stick)
1 x 1 (cube) =