You can make the mixed number 5 2/3 an improper fraction, which is the number in the numerator is larger than the number in the denominator.
Multiply, Add, and Keep the denominator are the steps you need to take.
Multiply the denominator by the whole number and then add the number in the numerator, while keeping the denominator. 5*3+2=17>>> 17/3 is the improper fraction.
17/3 ÷ 2 is the resulting equation.
When you divide fractions, you have to multiply by the reciprocal. 2/1 is the whole number 2, but in fraction form. The reciprocal is 1/2 because your just flipping the numerator and the denominator.
17/3 * 1/2 is the new equation.
When you multiply fractions, you multiply straight across.
17/3 * 1/2 = 17/6 or 2 5/6 is your answer.